Gods Assignment To Me
God can approach us for an individual assignment or we can also ask for an assignment, either way - God approaches us individually in his own way for the same ultimate purpose of doing His Will. His Will, can come as I said, in the form of an individual assignment or an individual commission - for example, when The Lord says to a person 'You will Write A Book', that is an assignment or direct commission in addition to the great commission of Jesus we will still do. Many people have assignments from the Lord and if you don't, then I would suggest you ask for one because the willing co-labourers are few, and it will help you draw nearer to God while he prepares you for your personal assignment.
Some ways that God approaches his children can be a verbal command from God, a dream, a vision, or through another office in 5 fold ministry, or a compelling situation of choice A or B, or simply being drawn to feel closer to god and drawn to a specific knowing in yourself like a prayer warrior style person.
My individual assignment/commission began while I was still completely involved in the new age practices. I was a believer in God my whole life, and of the belief there is one God. But, I did not know Jesus, not born again yet with Holy Spirit that I was aware of, nor did I understand anything about the Holy Spirit at that time. I had been to church approximately, less times you can count on both hands and toes. I was deeply drawn further down the snake pits' new age practices, one practice leading to the next (full audio testimony will be available on Youtube), all the while thinking I was doing good works in the healing approaches I was using, and believing I was on the good side of Gods works, until God came to put an end to what I was doing wrong, and him directing me, showing me the way to the truth of all this matter.
You see, Jesus - I learned later on, can heal anything, absolutely anything - casting the demons out, healing the sick and raising the dead....in Fathers will. We actually don't have need for anything else but of Him, however we have other options to choose from, other ways presented to us. When a person like me who was in new age and using crystals with wishing machines to attract money, and for healing I was putting crystals onto Sigils with psychotronics application and also putting them onto the alters on dowsing machines, and the list goes on and on much deeper into the unclean spirit realm talking with the dead as well then one can know somethings is very off. In never having read the bible before that...and not realizing things like Proverbs 16:14 King James Bible "The LORD hath made all things for himself: yea, even the wicked for the day of evil." this brought about good discussion.
So I actually need point this out, in discussion recently with another Christian something she said. In that "God made crystals for us, so they are not inherently evil. It is the source that can be the problem. If people use what God has given us through another power other than Himself. That should be the issue not crystals or talking about frequencies" was what the person said.
However, I need to differ, and point out that millions to even possibly billions are in the position I was. In my personal case (full testimony in the works at this time being recorded) it was much more than a few crystals I was into and what mattered most was how I was using things and doing things...far, far more this is crux of why we need to learn Gods' discernment and why I believe things turned the way they did. In my testimony coming soon, the new age snake pit will make much more sense to you when you are able to hear it all, and how I was constantly dragged deeper into it.
The truth is, a crystal is just a crystal until it is used for something bad. There is an important distinction to be made between God controlling evil and God creating evil. God is not the author of sin, but He can use sinful men and women to attain an objective. Romans 8:28 says, “For those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” “All things” includes both good and bad things. God can use struggles, heartbreaks and tragedies in ways to bring about His glory and our good. I know that I loved God, right from the start, that at least I can say for sure.
The one thing I can attest to is that all new agers, are not all satanic evil people purposely trying to do evil, and they need the help of The Lord our God and our Christian family when they are in that type of position I was in, they need our Saviour and we need to be kind and loving and ready to help them because they need to be on the right side, on the side of the Spirit of Our Lord Jesus. Matthew 12:30 KJV "He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad."
One night in a very loud, clear and distinct voice I heard that first assignment/commission of communication from God. When one hears this type of authority, if you are in a room for example, it sounds like its coming from the ceiling downward towards you, but its crystal clear, distinctly authorative, loud and you know it is a male voice and not a female voice and you just know - this is your Lord God, our Lord God and I knew this is my Lord God.
He said this to me in that distinct unmistakable authorative voice: "Bring Me The Children".
At that time, I had no idea what this was all about still thinking I was doing good works through good methods, being fully fooled by Satan, which was in fact, in turn causing me to fall into much distress from Satans attacks, and dangerous unresolving situations - however I just knew that this assignment, those words given, were from our Lord God, and I also knew it was going to be changing my life.
God spoke that verbal command to me while I was still engulfed in my newer, new age online business that was constantly expanding and growing in customers at that time working in divination, magic, occult, akashic record reading, emotion code therapy, talking with the dead, reiki and many forms of new age modalities that lead people down the snake pit. Shortly after that first command came a second more shocking command to me saying: "You came in the back door, you need to come in the front door".
This message played on my mind - wondering ... becoming disturbing and a shock to think what does it mean the back door, and to come in the front door? I realized something was very wrong and started to be compelled to research Gods word and what came to light was horror in learning that everything I was doing in that time, that I thought was 'good and healing' and from our Lord God, was actually an abomination to God and was in reality necromancy, working with familiar spirits, occultism, witchcraft, sorcery, magic and the such practices that God turns his face from as noted in scripture that I found when I started digging for more truth.
The original assignment from God, plus the second communication from God, led to the final deliverance and demise of Satan and his demonic strongholds over me, and the new beginning unknown to me that was unfolding from God as I was called to come to walk in the kingdom of God, which I gratefully and truly joyfully love to do today and every day forward since.
Thank you father God, thank you Lord Jesus, thank you Holy Spirit for saving me, putting me through the fire, helping sanctify me ongoing - redeeming me with our Lord and Saviour, and bringing me to your kingdom when I fell with no hope, except that you loved me enough to come and get me and tell me what to do - to come in the front door.
I love you Father God, Jesus and Holy Spirit, and words cannot express solely enough thank you for saving me and showing me the way, truth, hope, the light, the living water and a beautiful future in co-labouring sustaining till the end!
Forever grateful,
Your daughter of God, Follower of Jesus Christ
Shelley Giesbrecht
Matthew 4:19 "And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men."
1 Corinthians 11:1 "1 Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ."
Acts 11:26 "26 And when he had found him, he brought him unto Antioch. And it came to pass, that a whole year they assembled themselves with the church, and taught much people. And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch."