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FaithGod'sWay - God's Children On Fire©  
Copyright Usage of Logo's and Information

Social media crime is rampant and these links on this page are the only official social media, website and email links that FaithGod'sWay uses.  Anything else will not be a legitimate profile and could be stolen and scam you. 


I do not DM people, you will not receive a personal DM from me asking you to join me or a DM to give money somewhere, other than our official give/tithe link as shown on this website. 


Also, we have only 1 official email which is which you can submit inquiries from our contact page

 We do not allow reuse of our Logo or name for other organizations to use, IT IS COPYRIGHTED


In Christ Jesus name,



Shelley Giesbrecht Ministry Faith God's Way - God's Children On Fire

Owner and Copyright



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